Connecting you to a child in need
Care Portal
What is Care Portal?
Care Portal is a platform created to connect individuals and churches to children and families in need. Needs in your area are posted on Care Portal, which you can respond to–helping families in one of nine ways:
Improving a child’s well-being
Creating online courses and in-person conferences to train caregivers in the HOP model.
Supporting a youth aging out of foster care
Helping prevent a child from entering care
Helping preserve a foster/kinship placement
Helping preserve an adoptive placement
Helping reunify a biological family
Helping place a child in foster/kinship care
Helping unite a child with an adoptive family

Until every child has a home
We exist to instill hope in children who have only known the intense instability of foster care by emulating the unconditional love of a healthy family to them.
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