Until Every Child Has
House of Providence exists to equip our communities to serve our most vulnerable children and families with excellence - Until Every Child Has A Home.
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Our Cause. Over half a million children interact with the foster care system in the U.S. each year. Without proper support, they face trafficking, homelessness, drug addiction, and incarceration at heart-breaking rates.
"Every child should know the feeling of home–a place where their survival mode is soothed and carefree living is normal."
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Academic Success
Providence Learning Center
We designed a new academic model to meet the needs of children with complex emotional and behavioral problems due to trauma and help them succeed.
Make a change
House of Providence Expanding Programs To Help Foster Care Children Find Forever Homes
CBS News
redeeming childhood
Why HoP: Redeeming childhood & healing trauma.
house of providence insight
until every child has a home
Connecting compassionately with kids from hard places.
house of providence insight

Until every child has a home
We exist to instill hope in children who have only known the intense instability of foster care by emulating the unconditional love of a healthy family to them.
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